Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Airport Shoes

August 15 2006

I am not sure how the American People as a whole tolerate the submission of their rights to the American Government when it comes to air travel. I only know that for me, a non-sheep, that I cannot tolerate it at all. Going through airport security now is a humiliating experience that I feel every time I travel. I flew in October right after September 11, 2001, and I can honestly say, that today, the experience of air travel is far worse than then. First it started with jackets, belts, metal objects. Then it came to shoes. Take off your shoes. I cannot even begin to tell you how I think of the humiliation of asking an otherwise dignified human being going about their lives, to remove their shoes and demand that they walk in the dirt of countless unknown others.

Take off your tennis shoes, your dress shoes, your combat boots, your handmade leather shoes, your high-heel shoes. Take them off. Just take them off. This all happened after the idiot Ramirez tried to light his shoe lace on fire. A shoe bomb. Cool idea for a movie, bad idea for reality. The concept of placing explosives in your shoes and using a shoe lace as a detonation device is creative. The problem for me of course, is finding an explosive stable enough that you can walk on it and have it not blow your feet off.
I can see Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Steven Segal or even Bruce Willis working frantically against the clock to wrestle that pair of shoes from the feet of the bad guy and pitching them out of the bullet busted window-just in the nick of time. Though, the way those guys work, the bad guy gets tossed with the shoes and a mid-air explosion soon follows that rocks plane but does not destroy. And the bad guy gets what he wanted in the first place, suicide by explosion.

But really, for the hundreds of thousands of people who fly every day, must the government really treat every single citizen as a potential criminal? Yes. Yes they must. Because short of doing that, the tax paying sheep do not physically see their government doing anything active about the "terror threat". This is the one place where they see the government 'doing something'. The sheep say ‘I don’t mind as long as I am safe.’ And I, a non-sheep, must ask, what is safe, really? Safe from what? Getting blown up in the sky? What about maintenance concerns and plain old accidents? How are we protected against that? They ask us not to take certain items in carry-on luggage. But they do not guarantee that the check-in baggage will not be robbed or that it will arrive at the proper destination. There have been countless reports of passengers check-in baggage getting robbed by the very baggage handlers that are suppose to be “secured” employees. They are thieves. As thieves, they also have the corruption of mind to do more sinister acts besides stealing from baggage.
So, I wonder what the government really expects and hopes to avoid in asking its traveling class citizen to remove their shoes?

It seems more psychological than preventative. Another way to maintain the control of the people through emotional fear and panic, then through rational thought and critical thinking.
Keep the people in fear and they will lie down like sheep.

Today, it was flip-flops. Today, they would not even allow a bottom-only covered foot to pass through without x-ray scrutiny. Take off your shoes. You must. It is now the rule. No exceptions. Before, when I would refuse to take off my shoes, they merely took me to the side and took my shoes for me. That I could tolerate. At least then, I could sit down. They had the responsibility to remove my shoes, take them to the x-ray machine, and wand me looking for “nothing.” How do I know they are looking for nothing? Because I ask. I ask them, “what are you looking for?” and more times than not, the reply comes back, “nothing.” In those instances, I respond, “then why are you searching me?” I always get the look indicating “uh, I dunno, it’s my job?”

Like every American, I work for my travel funds. I pay a high price to fly, and also pay the government to search me without cause, to fondle my breasts looking for booby traps, to take my shoes from my feet, leaving me barefoot and without the dignity that a pair of shoes gives to any human being, all in the name of “national security.”
I have decided for myself that I will travel barefoot. With just a pair of socks on my feet. I am sure that, as a result of this, someday soon they will have a “barefeet-only” security requirement. No shoes-No socks.

Though, each time I pass through the security check-points and am told to remove my shoes, I am reminded of the Jews who suffered in the Holocaust. After September 11, 2001, I was in Washington DC at the Holocaust Museum. It was my first time there and I can say, that it is truly a humbling, mind numbing and soul breaking experience. As I was walking through the museum, I came upon an exhibit of shoes. Piles of shoes. Piles of empty shoes. Hundreds and hundreds of them. My mind was overwhelmed. My soul connected and I knew in that moment that the people lost their power when they took off their shoes.

The American people have lost their power against a government that is no longer 'of the people, by the people, for the people'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you! My fly-or-drive tradeoff used to be about 400 miles; it is now 2000 miles. I have a sticker that says "I [heart] being treated like a criminal by the TSA." On a recent birthday trip to Hawaii, I was "randomly" selected for the full treatment, thanks to their PC antidiscrimination policy. Suppose we restricted the police the same way (i.e., couldn't tell them to look for a black guy driving a green car that had been hijacked)? Jeez, Louise!

If all this hassle were effective, it'd be one thing; but the government's own auditors have found so many holes in the system that it'd be laughable if it weren't so frightening.

This problem is only one symptom of a growing, oppressive government. In my view, only one political party would ever do anything about it--the Libertarians, who are strongly for individual rights, and against coercion in any form. "You have a right to swing your fist, but that right ends at the tip of my nose."
